Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Dreaded Flu!

The once was a boy who had the flu; he was so sick he didn't know what to do...

Never having had the flu in our house before, I have made it a habit not to get yearly flu shots for either me or the kids...that may change from now on, although probably not for me, just the kids :) So, on the night before our Valentine's Eve date, Noah started to get sick...crap. The next day, he slept all day and even though he was so sick, my mom said I should bring the kids over anyway. So Adam and I were able to go to The Melting Pot and to a movie for an early Valentine's date. We had so much fun even though Adam was still feeling kinda sick. Over the weekend Noah got worse and worse with a fever and coughing and just not acting like himself (BTW, Adam, Reese, and I were all sick too, but Noah seemed to be going down hill the fastest). After Noah slept from 4 pm yesterday until 10:30 am this morning, I decided it was time to take him to the doctor. When we got to the doctor Noah's temperature was still almost 102, he threw up all over himself and me when they did the strep test, and he fell asleep in my arms which was something he didn't even do when he was a baby. After waiting what seemed like an eternity, they did a flu test...sure enough, it was positive. My poor baby has the flu.

When we got home, I gave him Tylenol and turned on Cars for him to watch, then out I went to snow blow the driveway for the second time today. Since Adam is also recovering from the flu, it has been my job to snow blow. When I came in the garage door I noticed Noah wasn't on the couch watching his movie, so I began to take off my coat and snow pants. As I turned around I saw my poor buddy curled up in the computer chair, fast asleep. Thank goodness for the snow, as much as I hate plowing it, because classes were cancelled tonight and I can stay home and take care of my baby :(

Hope everyone is well and the flu is staying far away from your home!!!


bhamchick said...

Oh he is so cute, even though he's sick...Seriously, its so hard to have sick kids. Poor kiddos! Hope he gets better soon!