Friday, January 23, 2009

It's A Baby!

I went to my first doctor's appointment today. I was anxious and nervous because I had only met this doctor once when I went to my friend's appt with her. I think he's really great and personable and I feel comfortable asking him questions. So, here's our first ultrasound! According to the growth of the baby I'm 9 weeks 5 days, but for now we are still sticking to the original due date and that I'm 9 weeks 1 day today. Anyway, if you watch the video you will get to see the baby moving and everything! We couldn't be more excited. Only 4 more weeks till we find out if it's a boy or a girl. The countdown to February 25th has begun! Bets anyone?


bhamchick said...

Boy, but I only say that cuz I went girl, boy, boy.

Dani said...

Congratulations!! I love seeing the ultrasounds. My guess is boy. Can't wait to hear what you're having!

Anonymous said...

That's so exciting! I go again next friday, and I can't wait to get an offical due date and see that our baby actually looks like a baby!!

Congrats again, I bet we have our babies within days of each other!

Kira said...

Congratulations guys! I am so happy for you!

Jamee said...

Congrats!! I'm betting a girl, just because everyone else is saying boy!

Kiersten Allred said...

That's so exciting! We only get to have one ultrasound so my dr. makes us wait until 19 weeks :( So you'll know before I do. My bet is on girl.

FarrEver Family said...

Congrats! Wish we could have seen you at Christmas. Hopefully when we move back to Utah, there will be more cousin get togethers!