Thursday, July 2, 2009

Time Flies!

Ok, so I cannot believe that it has been 3 weeks since I did that last blog posting. Time is literally flying by. Which of course makes me quite nervous since August and my due date are rapidly approaching. Yesterday I went to the doctor's and our baby looks wonderful. She's measuring smaller than an average baby, but normal for her growth pattern. Any surprises? Nope! I do tend to have small children. Lets just say that Noah is in the 25 percentile of height and weight... anyway, she's 2 lbs 12 oz right now, so she's on track to be somewhere between 6 1/2 and 7 lbs when she's born. Reese was 6 lbs 9 oz and Noah was 7 lbs 5 oz, so that sounds about right to me. Sadly, he says she has no hair...which again, Reese was born pretty much bald, so no surprises. We did get to see her chubby little cheek, which Reese and Noah thought was so fun. They got to come to the doctor with me since Adam was at work (story to follow). They were so good and I was so proud of my little ones.

So, I have been on a whirlwind cleaning/organizing spree. I go so fed up with the pockets of junk everywhere! And it seemed like no matter what I did, Reese's room always looked messy. So, I've been taking it a room at a time. So far all we have left is the hallway closets, the basement, and the dreaded second half of the storage room. Reese has been soooo wonderful helping me since I'm a whale and it's hard for me to do a ton. She is so willing to put things away, throw things away, or organize things. And I must say, her room has been spotless everyday since we organized it. Yay!

Noah has finally learned to ride a bike with training wheels. Now in his defense, he's such a little shorty that until about a month or so ago he couldn't even reach the pedals. But, yesterday he up and started riding and did not want to get off that bike for anything. Also, to my delight, he does not allow me to help him go to the potty anymore. I hear, "I do it myself!!!" I was wondering when that stage would hit. But I'll let him do whatever he wants as long as I don't have to change diapers!

Well, now to the most exciting news. Adam got the Co-op Systems Engineer job. Hurray! We just cannot believe that we've been blessed so much. We are truly thanking our Heavenly Father daily for this answer to our prayers. So, he's just in his first week, but he is enjoying the atmosphere, the people, and the experience. He doesn't really know all that the job entails yet, because he is still in the orientation stages and it just happens that his manager is out-of-town, but he is excited. He already has found a guy that he likes to jest with about the difference between Weber's and the U's engineering programs. Well, Adam got a cubicle three times bigger than him so can we say score one for Weber? :) Since it is just a Co-op position, we aren't sure what will happen after he graduates in December, but of course we hope that they will keep hire him full time. For now we are just so excited that he has this great opportunity.

We hope you all are having a great summer and Happy 4th of July!!!


Dani said...

Wow, that baby really must be coming soon because it sounds like you've got that nesting bug! hehehe JK. Congratulations about the job at L-3! We are so excited for you guys! Happy 4th of July!

Mappy Hama said...

Congrats to Adam on the job! And careful nesting you don't overdo it! We love you guys!

bhamchick said...

Can't wait till the baby comes. I have to be careful though...or you'll make me want to have another one right away. It's a good thing I'm not there. Because I'm not ready yet! And I seriously never wanted to do anything by the end of my pregnancy. YOU go girl! I do recall pleading with Tim to clean the bathrooms though...never happened. Maybe next baby.

bhamchick said...

Oh and don't worry everybody knows Weber is way better than the U!

Unknown said...

Wven tough I'm here and talk to you often it is fun to read the new thanks honey So excited for the baby and very happy for you and Adam

Unknown said...

Woops! who spell checked that one

Even though, news (insert)