Friday, April 30, 2010

Lets Talk About Noah

Noah, my Noah. What can I say about you? That little boy can be such a charmer and then such a terror in the blink of an eye. Although 99% of the time he is the charmer who has me wrapped around his finger. I cannot believe that he is already 4 yrs old! He was Camryn's age when we moved to Kaysville and I still tear up when I think about him taking his first steps down our hallway. So, Noah just turned 4 on Monday and here are something that he is in to:

Favorite Food: Hot dogs, mandarin oranges, and peaches

Favorite Color: Orange

Favorite Shows: Phineas and Ferb, Spiderman, Mario, Pokemon, and Bug's Life

Favorite Things to Do: Play with Reese, smush and hug Camryn, play the Wii, play with his sword or light saber, and ride his 4wheeler/bike/scooter.

Noah is a morning boy, like his Dad. He gets up between 7 and 7:30 every morning and jumps in bed with me; I, not being a morning person, have to tell him that it is not morning until the alarm goes off (at 8) and that he can turn on the tv in my room until then. Noah also loves cereal, eggs, pancakes, and any food breakfast related. He is enjoying going to preschool and I think that it has really helped him to grow and learn a lot. I feel badly that I don't have as much time to spend with him on reading and other things that I was able to with Reese; however, he is doing really well and can read most of his letters. We have been working a lot of the letter "L". Noah usually says "L" with the "W" sounds, but we is getting much better at saying laaa.

Oh goodness, what else can I say about Noah besides that he is a boys' boy. He loves superheros, collecting rocks, play fighting, golf, baseball, gums (that would be his play guns that I don't entirely approve of. For some reason he calls them gums), and teasing his older sister. My buddy is just such a cute guy and he has Mom, Dad, and Grammy wrapped around his finger. I just want him to know how much I love him and how glad I am he is my son.


FarrEver Family said...

Happy Birthday to a cute little Noah. Glad to see you are back in the blogging world. I actually didn't check the date of this blog, so it could have been a month ago, but no matter when you posted, you seemed happy. I hope you are happy and doing well still.