Thursday, September 10, 2009

School Beginnings

Well, finally all three students in our house, Adam, Reese, and Noah, have begun their school year. I can't say which of the three was hardest for me. Adam started 21 credits of school 4 days after I had Camryn, plus he's working 20 hrs a week so that was pretty difficult. I think I'm finally getting used to him being gone so much. The saddest part is that he doesn't get home until 9:30 or later on Monday and Wednesday so the kids don't see him for more then an hour on those days, because they are in bed before he gets home. However, I keep telling myself that this is his last semester and I will survive. Hopefully he will too :)

Reese started Kindergarten this year and I can't believe how big she is. When they did the state assessment she was able to read all the letters and tell Mrs. Moore their sounds as well as count to 100. She's such a little smartie. She's already meeting new friends and she is so excited to go everyday. The hardest part is that it is morning Kindergarten and Reese and I are not morning people. Hopefully it will get easier as the year goes on, but we've been on time everyday so far.

Noah started preschool today. I was pretty nervous about him going because in my eyes he's still my little baby. He has been so excited to go. He picked out his "Superboy" backpack (which is what he has labeled every super hero, in this particular case it is actually Spiderman); however, the backpack is honestly as big as him. He looks so adorable though. He was so happy when I went to pick him up from class. He got to be the "special helper" today and he was so proud. The house was so quiet while he was gone, it was very strange and poor Reese was bored without him, but I'm sure things will start to even out as Camryn becomes more active.

Ok, so I can't go without updating on my little Camryn. At her 2 week checkup she was 6 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long which is quiet a change in length from when she was born. The doctor thinks she might has been stretching a little and it was measured a little long. She is happy and healthy and the doctor said she is as alert as a 2 month old. Unfortunately now she and I have a cold. The poor girl is sniffing and having a hard time sleeping. I'm hoping it will pass by quickly.